
Welcome to my webpage about different topics that I have covered and learnt about in English so far this year

The Story Of Ribbit

A frog with an identity crisis takes on a journey to discover his true self while running into new faces on the way. Finding a way how to fit in just like the other animals who are included in the story too, being brave and showing incouragement in the end. In the end he was known as a hero who carried on his journey and felt proud of what he did, he also fell in love with someone special who sticked with up through the end. He has something unique about him that just inspired me because of the way how kept going and thought through to finding a way to deal with it without putting anyone in danger.

Girl Underground

Girl Underground is the story of Bridget, an Australian girl with some big family problems of her own. On the way meets new people as she attends a rich school, she makes new friends and finds it intersting being surrounded by people she just met. A story of friendship, courage and a bit of crime. Bridget wants a quiet life. Including, if possible, keeping her parents out of prison. On the 7th of June of 2004 Morris Gleitzman published girl underground and has been publishing other books similar to girl underground.

Topic Of Inventions For 9PWM Class

Topic Of Inventions was an asignment from english class where we had to do a presentation about an invention from back in the old days till now in 2021, we could choose is from back in the old days up untill now in 2021. So the invention that I chose was about the fisrt ever film/movie projecter who was made by Eadweard Muybridge back in 1879, I did a slide show doc about what the film/movie projecter was first used for before using it for watching movies or videos on. Each student chose their inventions they wanted to do research about and have been presented to the teacher and the whole class.