
Welcome to my webpage about different topics about science fictions that I have covered and learnt about in my science class so far this year

Structure Of The Earth

As a year 9 student we were asigned a topic about the structure of the earth and fill in the questions that were apart of the topic,my class 9PWm had to write about the structure of the earth and explain the meaning to what each layer has in common and how it could effect the surface if something were to happen. Each of these layers have different unque chemicals that can impact life on earths surface creating natural desasters.

The structure of the earth is divided into four different components: the crust, the mantle, outer core and the inner core. The crust is what were standing on right now which is the ground that we walk on and are living on while the three others layers of the earth ride underneath us the matle, outer core and inner core. The mantle lies between the earth's dense and is mostly-solid bulk of the earth's interior, while it's average tempeture of the mantle is 3000 celsius with boiling hot liquid that are solidified a mix of rocks and lava. The outer core is fluid layer about 2,400km thick and is composed moslty of iron and nickel that lies above the earths solid inner core, the outer core is what borders the mantle. The surrounding of the outer core is a rigid layer made up of the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust together. Finally the inner core of the earth, the inner core is made up entirely of solid iron and nickel which makes like a hard dense ball the is really hot, The tempeture in the inner core is about 5,200° celsius (9,392° Fahrenheit).

Continental vs Oceanic Crust

For this this topic